Friday 30 August 2013


Astronomy – the science and study of celestial objects that fill up the universe. It’s an overwhelming concept to many, but the idea of planets, solar systems and galaxies can still be a powerful source of inspiration.

Yet there is one man in particular, whose enthusiasm undeniably matches that same level of wonder – Marc Read.

Having always had an interest in history and science, Marc has studied these fields extensively. Spending much of his education studying this passion, he has been granted a Masters degree in Physics and Philosophy, and a PhD in History and the Philosophy of Science.

Currently living in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, his teaching career has brought him from London to Washington DC, allowing him to share his love for astronomy with like-minded enthusiasts. Now teaching physics and philosophy at the Royal Grammar School in Newcastle, Marc lives with his wife and two children.

Since sharing his knowledge and love for astronomy through his teaching, he has now released his first book, New Stars for Old: Stories from the History of Astronomy.

By fusing historical fact with dramatic fiction, Marc has created a fresh and original take on the field of astronomy. Through the eyes of Aristotle, Galileo Sir, Isaac Newton and many others, readers can learn about the science in the context of their day-to-day routine.

Marc Read and the people at Candy Jar Books are thrilled to release New Stars for Old, appealing to fans of popular science, philosophy, historical biography and astronomy.